13.10.2022 – NOSP Evening Event, Litteraturhuset, Bergen

In-person and Online Event – 19:00 (Norwegian Time – UTC+1hr)

NOSP will this October be collaborating with the Norwegian Petroleum Society (Norsk Petroleumsforening) for a joint evening of four presentations about the changing face of offshore and nearshore survey and the push towards autonomy and unmanned operations.

The evening’s timetable will be as follows:

  • Nearshore Unmanned Survey Vessel (USV) Solutions – Stian Veseth – Veseth
  • NaviSuite: How Computer Vision Helps Enabling Autonomy – Ole Kristiensen – EIVA AS

Doors open at 17:30 and members of the NOSP board and NPF will be there early. A large spread of finger food will be available for those in attendance and a bar is downstairs for anyone who fancies a tipple. Although two hours in duration, the schedule is flexible; the most important thing is that we all enjoy the evening. Please send a mail to post@nosp.no of your intention to join us for the event.

For those unable to attend, join us live on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2dP9WvQ4bc






2 responses to “13.10.2022 – NOSP Evening Event, Litteraturhuset, Bergen”

  1. Anette Rasmussen Avatar
    Anette Rasmussen

    I am a student at HVL in Bergen taking my bachelor degree in landmåling and eiendomsdesign. I find this event interesting and useful for me and my future plans.

    1. Stuart Duncan Avatar

      Hi Annette. Thanks for your enquiry. I have put you on the distribution list for this and future events, so you will receive updates as and when we release them. Look forward to seeing you in Bergen in a couple of weeks’ time. Mvh, Stuart

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