Join us in Åkrehamn on September 6th as part of RTS’s 5th Annual Subsea Innovation Day! The location for this event is:
Rental & Technology Services AS
Sjøenvegen 52
4270 Åkrehamn
Mark your calendar for the whole-day event, the day will be filled with hardware demos, networking, entertainment, and of course, three great NOSP-sponsored presentations:
1100-1200 Registration and Lunch.
1200-1215 Opening.
1215-1245 Neil Manning, 3D at Depth.
1245-1315 Steve Keedwell, Shell.
1315-1345 Break.
1345-1430 Jonathan Morvan, Comex & Rich Lear, DOF Subsea
1430-1700 Exhibition
1700-2000 Food and Entertainment.
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