11.05.2023 – NOSP Evening Event, Litteraturhuset, Bergen

In-person and Online Event – Live from 18:30 (Norwegian Time – UTC+2hrs)

Deepsea Navigation

The big hitters of subsea navigation have been gathered in one place for a shoot out, to determine who is king of the deepsea! Well, that’s not exactly it, but rarely do you have a chance to hear from the four main players in subsea navigation, back-to-back, in  the same arena. This really will be a quality event not to miss. In addition, and to kick-off proceedings, NOSP will start with a short Annual General Meeting (AGM) to present its finances, share its current goals and to elect a new member to the board.

Doors open at 17:30 and the evening’s timetable will be as follows:

  • 18:30 – NOSP Introduction and AGM (TBC)
  • 18:45 – Imenco: NASNet – Subsea Positioning System Upgrades and Improvements (Mark Scott)
  • 19:15Exail: Delph Subsea Positioning: How to Efficiently Plan Your Long Baseline (LBL) / Sparse LBL operations (Jim Titcomb)
  • 19:45 – Break / Networking
  • 20:15 – Kongsberg: Ultra Deepwater Positioning with HiPAP 602: Extending the range and precision of Medium Frequency Super Short Baseline (SSBL) for ranges up to 7000m (Spencer Collins)
  • 20:45 – Sonardyne: Optimising the Performance of a Long Range Ultra Short BaseLine (USBL) Tracking and Telemetry System (Alan MacDonald)

As ever, light food and drinks will be available for those in attendance so registration here is essential to get the correct quantities ordered. Although just over two hours in duration, the schedule is flexible; the most important thing is that we all enjoy the evening.

For those unable to attend, join us live on YouTube. The presentations will be available from the same link after the evening’s activities are concluded.






One response to “11.05.2023 – NOSP Evening Event, Litteraturhuset, Bergen”

  1. Eric Peeters Avatar

    Due to a change of plans I will be unable to attended the live event in Bergen upcoming Thursday

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