Author: admin
13.10.2016 – Oslo Event
Our Oslo Evening event will be held at “Håndverkeren Kurs og Konferansesenter”, Rosenkrantz gate 7, 0159 Oslo. Light catering will be provided, this event is free to attend! Doors open at 17:00, Presentations for the evening begin at 18:00 and are: Point Cloud Innovation – making your data work harder by Greg Hammond – UTEC…
25.08.2016 – Innovation Day in Cooperation with RTS
Throughout these troubled economic times, innovation and new technological development is more important than ever. RTS together with NOSP wish to extend an invitation for a day filled with lectures, mingling, and demonstrations of new technology. This “Innovation Day” will be arranged for the third time, and this year it takes place on the 25th…
26.05.2016 – Bergen Event
Evening event will be held at “Zinken Hopp”, Litteraturhuset in Bergen, Østre Skostredet 5-7. Light catering will be provided, this event is free to attend! Presentations for the evening begin at 18:00 and are: Synthetic Baseline Navigation, What’s it all about? by James Titcomb – iXBlue The Challenges of Positioning in the Arctic by John…