Category: Uncategorized

  • 21.11.2019 – Annual Dinner, Stavanger

    The NOSP board is pleased to invite all members to our annual corporate dinner in Stavanger on November 21st.  Attending the presentations and entrance to the museum is FREE to all: Admission to the musuem from 16:00 – 18:00 Presentations at the museum 18:00 – 19:30: Alex David Rogers, REV Ocean : “The Ocean in…

  • 17.10.2019 – Bergen Event @ OneSubsea

    At what stage does the survey community need to be involved in field layout planning to ensure survey quality measurements from a resident system? This is the question that will be addressed during the upcoming event in Bergen on October 17th when NOSP joins 3D at Depth and OneSubsea for an event demonstrating resident systems…

  • 12.09.2019 – Åkrehamn Event @RTS

    Please join us in Åkrehamn at the Subsea Innovation Day hosted by RTS! Note registration is required for this event, and transportation from both Haugesund and Stavanger is provided. Get in touch with any of our board members if you have not received an invitation with registration link! In addition to quayside and workshop demos,…