Category: Uncategorized

  • 24.08.2017 – Åkrehamn

    Our next presentation event will be held in connection with the Subsea Innovation Day 2017 hosted by RTS, Sjøenvegen 52, 4270 Åkrehamn. The presentations start at 12:00 and will finish at 14:00 The presentations are: Underwater Mobile Mapping by Gordon Beattie -DOF Subsea RTS Cube, experience feedback 1.0 by Ivar Ersland and Lars Melkevik – RTS Sunstone Inertial Navigation by…

  • 15.06.2017 – Oslo Event

    Our Oslo Evening event will be held at “Håndverkeren Kurs og Konferansesenter”, Rosenkrantz gate 7, 0159 Oslo.  Light catering will be provided, this event is free to attend! Doors open at 17:00, Presentations for the evening begin at 18:00 and are: IsoMetrix Towed Streamer Marine Seismic Positioning by Mark Lanham – WesternGeco HUGIN AUV environmental survey in the outer…

  • New NOSP Board Announced!

    At yesterday evening’s AGM two new board members were elected to the NOSP organizing committee!  We warmly welcome Hanne Taarland of GeoPluss and Trond Hagland of DeepOcean and at the same time thank retiring board member Dave Roberts for the time and effort he has invested in building the NOSP forum over many years. See…