Category: Uncategorized

  • 03.06.15 Evening Event in Stavanger

    Time and location: Alf & Werner, downtown Stavanger,  Wednesday June 3rd, 18.00-20.00. Doors opens at 17.00 for pre socializing. Admission fee, 100 NOK. Food will be served and cold beverage will available in the bar. Presentations will include: Nils Erik Jørgensen, TerraNor: “Subsea positioning challenges combining camera and sonar data” Jim Waite, Optimal Ranging: “Submarine cable…

  • AGM & Evening Event, Stavanger 22.04.15

    NOSP invites all members to our Annual General Meeting (17:00 pm), followed by an evening event with industry presentations (beginning at 18:00 pm): Stephen Fasham, Sonardyne :  “BlueComm – uComm” Thomas Mennerdahl, MMT :  “Survey Interceptor ROV” Spencer Collins, Kongsberg  :  “‘HiPAP, not just a DP Reference: acoustic telemetry and monitoring applications”  

  • 04.03.15 – Save the Date!

    Time and location: Alf & Werner, downtown Stavanger,  Wednesday March 4 th, 18.00-20.00. Doors opens at 17.00 for pre socializing. Admission fee, 100 NOK. Food will be served and cold beverage will available in the bar. Detailed program below. Time Topic Presenter 17:55 – 18:00 NOSP info Andreas Heide / Martin Wikmar 18:00 – 18:30 Oil &…