23.04.20 – Online Event and AGM

This event was live-streamed and the recording can be viewed here!

The program is a joint effort between THSiS and NOSP and featured the following topics and speakers (Times are minutes into the YouTube video):

  • 00:00:00 Welcome and Opening remarks by THSiS and NOSP
  • 00:05:00 Matt Cowing : “Becoming a member of the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RiCS): a path to accreditation
  • 00:34:00 Glenn Kristoffersen: “Sensor Data in Digitalisation Domains” Norse Asset Solution AS
  • 01:10:00 Will Best: “Employment market and Outlook during COVID-19” UTM Consultants
  • 01:42:00 Moya Cahill and Alison Brown “Opening up the Black Box – A PanGeo Technology Information Session – Pangeo
  • 02:18:00 AGM hosted by Chairman Celina Thom
  • 02:29:00 Erlend Kvinnesland: “Using location intelligence to fight COVID-19” Geodata






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