Annual General Meeting and evening event

Time and location: Alf & Werner, downtown Stavanger,  April 3, 17.00-20.00

Preliminary Agenda:

Time Topic Presenter
17:00 – 17:30 Meet-up, registration, finger food and mingling
17:30 – 18:00 NOSP Annual General MeetingInfo docs to be sent separately
18:00 – 19:30 TBA
19:30 – Meet and discuss with other attendees


Dear colleagues!!

Yet another evening with industry specific topics and social relations is coming up. 


Alf&Werner in Stavanger centrum is the place to meet up. The entrance is located on the side of the building, towards Egon (close to the Nåløyet bar). Food will be available from 17:00 and beverages will be available during / after the talk(s).


We will kindly ask for the small fee of NOK 100,- for entering which includes snack food.

Please forward this informatio to any potential candidates that might find this interesting.






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