NOSP is happy to invite our members to attend some events being held by our partners in the upcoming weeks!
Seminar on Underwater Acoustic Networks 27.01.2020, Bergen
Dr. Roberto Petroccia is presenting a seminar on behalf of NORCE and UiB on January 27th at 14:00 at Department of Physics and Technology University of Bergen Room 292, Allégaten 55, Bergen. The title of the seminar is:
“Underwater communications and networking: challenges and ways forward”
Abstract: The interest in Underwater Acoustic Networks (UANs) has largely increased in the past decade as an enabling technology to support a wide range of emerging applications. To support these applications, novel, more reliable and performing devices have been developed in the recent past, including underwater acoustic modems, sensors, and unmanned maritime vehicles. This talk will present current challenges and trends related to digital underwater communications. It will briefly present pros and cons of the various solutions that can be used to exchange data underwater, with special focus on the underwater acoustic channel and the related challenges. Networking aspects will be then presented, including current standardization efforts to promote interoperability and enable effective cooperation of maritime unmanned systems.
Roberto Petroccia received the Laurea (highest Honors) degree and his PhD from University of Rome “La Sapienza,” Italy, in 2006 and 2010, respectively, both in Computer Science. He was a Research Staff member in the same University until 2015. Since 2015, he has been a Research Scientist in the NATO STO Center for Maritime Research and Experimentation, La Spezia, Italy. His research interests include wireless sensor networks, underwater communications, and networking, a field he has contributed to with over fifty papers published in leading venues (h-index 19, i10-index 35, Google Scholar, Dec’19). In the last five years, Dr. Petroccia has participated in more than 20 experimental campaigns at sea where innovative underwater solutions he developed have been extensively tested. Dr. Petroccia has been collaborating with several underwater acoustic modem and vehicle manufacturing companies and research labs to design technologies supporting cooperative underwater networking. He was in the organizing committee of the IEEE UComms 2016 and 2018, and ACM WUWNet 2012 and 2014 conferences. In 2019, he was selected to be part of the OES YP-BOOST programme. Dr. Petroccia is an IEEE Senior Member since 2018 and he is also an invited lecturer of the Master’s programme in Ocean Engineering offered by the University of Pisa, Italy and of the PhD course in Electrical Engineering at the University of Calabria, Italy. Dr Petroccia has supervised the work of several master’s theses and PhD students.
FFU-seminar 30.01.2020, Stavanger
Styret i FFU (Forening for Fjernstyrt Undervannsteknologi) har igjen gleden av å invitere medlemmer og andre subsea-interesserte til foreningens årlige seminar den 30. januar 2020 på Clarion Hotel Air, Sola. Dette seminaret blir det 25. i rekken, og temaet for seminaret er “Blue Energy”.
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