Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV) and lessons learnt session

Time and location:  Alf & Werner in Stavanger city center at 17:00 on September 3rd. Stig Øvstedal, NOSP chairman, will hold a brief introduction beginning at 17:55.

This evening’s presentations kick off at 18:00 with a review of C-Worker 6 Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV) for Offshore Survey Support Operations by Brian Anderson (ASV) plus two great presentations about what happens when things don’t go as planned:

C-Worker 013

“Multibeam Imagining Sonar – Expectations vs. reality – A case study from Troll B” by Norman Morrison, DeepOcean

“What if everything goes wrong…” by Geir Simensen, Statoil

Please pass along this invite to any interested colleagues, it costs nothing to be a member of NOSP and 100 kr at the door to attend the event (includes pizza).






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